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A Week Unlike Any Other.

Writer's picture: preludesporthorsespreludesporthorses

The title says it all. We are in uncharted waters this week, in a vast variety of ways. In many manners, this has been a horrible week. A global pandemic. It's bleak and simply difficult to fathom. We are sheltering at home, social distancing, practicing digital learning (and can I add, COMPLETELY

Social Distancing at the Barn
YOU SHALL NOT PASS!! (at least at Shanglebranch)

UNQUALIFIED for this), attempting to decipher court orders regarding barns and doing our best to keep the pantry stocked and spirits up. At times, the family time is so enjoyable that we almost - ALMOST - forget that the world currently feels like a SciFi novel.

But then, in other ways, this has been a week of AMAZING firsts. We had two healthy colts born at the farm this week! The boys are bouncing around, enjoying the gorgeous weather and getting the hang of life. We sold another colt (our sweet Valentine's Day baby, Percy) to an amazing family. Even better, we had the privilege of being involved in the "surprise" for their daughter - another shining moment in a dark week. Click here to view this sweet meeting. And now, to top it off, we just got news that Percy's dam - Boomerang aka Didaji ter Doorn (Nabab de Reve x Baloubet du Rouet) - is in foal to Chacoon Blue (Chacco Blue x Cartoon)! We know that equine pregnancies can be fickle, but we are going to celebrate anyway, and keep our hopes up that this one sticks!

Chacoon Blue x Nabab de Reve x Baloubet du Rouet
Wooohooo! Another Boomer Baby!

I don't know what the point of this post is (or what day it is, for that matter). But I do know that we are incredibly thankful for so many wonderful "firsts" this week, and we will endeavor to make the best of the not-so-wonderful ones as well. It is our sincere hope that you are all staying well, keeping safe, and that we can all be back to normal - or whatever your version of normal is - soon. In the meantime, we have two more foals left to come this year, so if you are looking for a little light in the darkness, just keep checking our social media! Spoiler alert: If you DO NOT enjoy being bombarded with adorable baby horses, do yourself a favor and stay socially-distanced from us digitally as well :).

Arezzo VDL and Dreamscape Farm's Valentino colts
Two colts this week (Arezzo VDL & Valentino)

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